Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with their families. I trust you didn’t eat TOO much. I tried not to do so myself. I suppose some of you are planning on getting up bright and early tomorrow to attempt to get all those good black Friday deals. Hopefully, you won’t be part of a brawl over this year’s hottest items.

Thanksgiving Closings

It’s once again the time of the year where you get together with your families, whether you like them or not, and eat until you pass out… or explode. Many places of business close during major holidays such as this (although some don’t) and The Renaissance Center is no different. We will be closed Wednesday through Saturday and will reopen the following Monday, December 1st.

New Shows?!

After years of no new musical laser shows, we finally we the opportunity to acquire new content from the wonderful folks over at Laserdome. While the details haven’t been nailed down yet, things are looking bright. So if you haven’t been down to the Cybersphere lately because it’s just been the “same old, same old,” you’ll be happy to know that we could have these new shows going as early as the new year. Keep your fingers crossed. Hoorah!

Shows that might be available:

Laser Rock 2008
Laser Pop 2008
Laser HipHop 2008
Laser Praise
Laser Guitar Hero
Laser Green Day
Laser Halloween
Laser Holiday (Coming Soon)
Pink Floyd: Wish You Were Here (Coming Soon)

JTI and so on…

So I was reviewing the winter show of Journey to Infinity (to make sure it still worked), and I was reminded that we’re actually over half done with recreating the spring version of the show (they are all the same after the first few minutes). I could of swore they were longer… In any case, I need to step on it so we can show the “digitally remastered” version of spring…  this spring.

First Impressions: Death Knight

Needless to say, after having played World of Warcraft for 4 years, I was eager to play Death Knight for the first time. I must say that the DK starting area has some of the best quests I’ve seen in recent years. While many of them are same old, same old, a few stand out as memorable. Two of which are hijacking a cannon on one of the Scarlet Crusade ships to use it against them and flying around on a dragon lich roasting them and eating them.

You start out at level 55 in greens with no talent points, but as you do the starter quests, you get your talent points and a great set of blue gear. You’ll reach level 58 by the time the starter area is complete; and it goes out with a bang with a scripted event involving the Lich King, Tirion Fordring, and the Ashbringer. Well, there is one more quest after that where you have to kill Patchwerk (who is “on loan” from Naxxramas).

The most exciting thing about Death Knights so far is there new Rune System. Every skill that a DK has either takes a Rune (or Runes) or uses Runic Power. There are three rune types: Blood, Frost, and Unholy (technically four if you count Death Runes, which count as all three). You have two of each rune available for use. When a skill is used, the appropriate rune(s) is placed on cooldown (which appears to be 10 seconds).

Example: Heart Strike uses 1 Blood Rune. You still have 1 Blood, 2 Frost, and 2 Unholy available after use.
Some skills use multiple runes, such as Death Strike, which uses 1 Frost and 1 Unholy.

Skills that use Runes generate Runic Power upon use. Runic Power is similar to a warrior’s rage in that it goes to 100 (130 with the unholy talent) and slowly decreases when out of combat. Runic Power is used to cast spells such as Death Coil and Horn of Winter.

I am very impressed with Death Knight so far. At first, I was going to level one of my already 70 toons through Northrend first, but after having played DK, I’m going to level it to 80 I do others.

To Do List

The site redesign came along rather well. Not only does it look better than before, it has many more features available. Now that it is out of the way, I need to get around to updating the ol’ resume and even writing an About page to make myself sound better than I am… cause what else would it be for.  Once I get those little chestnuts out of the way, I really need to get back to working on the documentation for The Legend of Pharthia.

Note to self: Stop being lazy