Playing with Flash

So I started fumbling around in flash today, tossing around the idea of doing some sort of animation. Newgrounds’ holiday flash contest is currently going on and the winners get some cash, but I’m entering too late in the game in order to make a good looking animation with my sorely lacking experience. I’d need more time. I still might whip something up. Gotta get started somewhere. Time to hit the ground running I suppose.

About Time It Got Here

So I ordered a replacement lamp for our DS+65 Christie projectors way back on the 19th on November… and it just now got here… Sure, Thanksgiving was in the way, but that shouldn’t have hurt the delivery THAT much. Good thing it got here, cause I was going to turn them into a smoking hole today. Still… 20 days is unacceptable. I recommend against using because of this… and the retard that typed up the shipping label managed to not only misspell my name, but The Renaissance Center’s name also. Least they got the address right…

Now that I’m done venting, I suppose I can’t completely blame, because the shipment came directly from Christie. Now to go see if the lamp works properly.