Time Gone Missing?

Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough time to do anything, yet you actually have all the time in the world to accomplish your goals? I’ve felt like that lately and because of it, I haven’t been able to actually get anything done. I haven’t even been able to concentrate on non important things… I’m not sure what the cause is, but I have my ideas. Whatever the reason, I wish it would stop.

Cybersphere Summer Schedule pt. 2

You will be finding this in our summer guide as soon as it goes to print:

The CyberSphere

The CyberSphere Digital Theatre is one of the largest planetariums in North America and the most advanced in Tennessee. The four-story, domed theatre is designed for instruction, live productions, musical concerts, laser light shows, interactive media and educational programming.

This summer come see Friday Night Lites!

Experience the best of rock and roll, featuring Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, and much, much more! Bring your family and friends to this full dome extravaganza!

June 5th-August 7th, 7pm and 8pm

One Show: $5

Two Shows: Buy one and receive the second half off.

For the latest show schedules and information, please visit our website or call ticketing at 615-740-5500. CyberSphere show schedules are subject to change without notice. For groups of 25 or more, contact LeAnn Polk at 615-740-5500 or leann.polk@rcenter.org.

As you can see, we will begin showing shows at 7 and 8 pm on Friday nights (and not Saturdays) starting June 5th and lasting through August 7th. The exception to this being July 3rd and 31st, as we are closed on those days. Our Saturday schedule will resume August 15th.

Losing Important Stuff…

I’ve never really understood how people manage to drop important personal items like cellphones and not notice they are missing until later. Had a message on my voicemail today about a lost cellphone from Saturday. So I go looking for it, figuring it to be some cheap phone, but no. It was a Blackberry Storm. I know I wouldn’t be caught dead losing my Blackberry, but I guess some people aren’t as OCD about their possessions as I am. lol

Turbo-charged Pixels

Mark your calendars right here and now; this is a tremendous moment in history. Introducing Turbo Pixels Software! A brand spankin’ new game development group founded by yours truly, Weston Moss, and Sean Mumford. We’re in the process of getting things rolling at this very moment and the planning is already underway for our very first project.

Be sure to check us out at www.turbo-pixels.com! (The website is still under construction at the time of this writing.)

Cybersphere Summer Schedule – pt. 1

We’ve got plans in the works for the summer months here at the Sphere. As I already mentioned before, the Center is going to be closing on Saturdays throughout most of the summer, so after pitching the idea and it being greeted with acceptance, we are more than likely going to be doing the following:

  • Our current lineup of shows with continue for the beginning of May (the first three Saturdays).
  • The Cybersphere will be closed for the last two Saturdays in May (as well as the center being closed that whole week in between).
  • Starting in June, we will beginning having shows on FRIDAY nights (NOT Saturdays, as the center is closed) at 7 pm and 8 pm.
  • We will be closed the Friday of the 4th of July weekend and the entire last week of July.
  • These shows will last until the second Saturday in August where we will resume doing Saturday shows like normal.

This is plan for now, but it has not been finalized yet and is thus subject to change. I would like to take this time to announce that more than likely, we will have a new Pink Floyd Digistar 3 show that we will begin showing in the summer.

What? Scheduled Field Trips? About Time!

Finally! After a week of not having a single school (or otherwise) field trip on the calendar, I finally got some scheduled this week. Good thing too. I was starting to get bored. Normally, this time of year the center would be packed with schools, but I suppose because of the economy (Go Go Gadget Talking Heads!), attendance is down tremendously. Hopefully it will pick up a little bit before schools get out for the summer.

Happy Easter!

HE IS RISEN! Our Lord Jesus Christ came to this sinful world, suffered in our stead, and rose again so that we may have eternal life if we would but take up our cross and follow him. If your heart is troubled, know that it is not the end. All your have to do is come to Jesus, repent and believe upon him, and you shall be saved and have ever lasting life.

I hope everyone has a great time with their families today, but let us not forget what this day is all about. Jesus… Jesus… Jesus… that precious and holy name. Will you come to him today?

Animation or Level Design? Can you say ADHD?

Okay, so as know may very well know, I started the tetris animation, mostly out of boredom. Granted it’s not a traditional frame by frame animation (for the most part), meaning mostly tweens and what-not, using relatively simple graphics (points, lines, circles, etc.), I just felt the need to create something that people can watch. I had been thinking about animating something for Newgrounds for years, I just never bothered to do it… but now here I am… assuming I can keep with it.

My point is… I sort of have ADHD when it comes to lengthy tasks. I tend to want to jump around a lot sometimes… but then again, on other occasions, I get to work on something and don’t stop until it’s done. Yeah, I’m a bit weird, but that’s okay.  Being a paradox is cruise control for cool.

Okay, so you’re probably wondering why I brought this up… think about it. Does Area 51: Warehouse ring a bell? Gotcha! Yeah, I still haven’t finished it, and I actually stopped working on it for a little while. It wasn’t all that far from being done either. ADHD, I know. lol

Anyways, so now I have multiple tasks in progress and really need to devote myself fully to one or the other until it is finished. Otherwise, I’ll probably end up with a bunch of unfinished projects laying around and I definately don’t want that. On top of these, I have other things going for me that I have to put effort into… Decisions, decisions…

Tetris Animation

I don’t know if you’ve heard the tetris theme as performed by 2PM (if that’s even a group, or just a person… but anyways.), but I’ve decided to make animation for it using Flash. I’ve had the idea of doing some sort of animation for it jumbling around in my head for some time, on various mediums I might add, but I never really got around to it. Well, long story short, I started working on it today.  And as reckless as I am, I’ve dived right into it without any sort of pre-planning. I know, that’s bad, but it does tend to work for me. lol

I don’t expect I’ll be done with it anytime soon, but if I can manage to keep myself working on it, it should turn out pretty freakin’ awesome, and would be my first ever submission to Newgrounds, where I hope I would be showered with 5s (cause you know… it’s all about the 5s).