Coloring (Like A Kid++)

I was cruising Newgrounds earlier today and I saw a flash tutorial over coloring in Photoshop, so I decided to find some line art off google images and practice coloring and shading it. Least it was a productive choice if I do say so myself. I’m not sure how much time I put into it, but it did certainly fly by. Below is both the original image and the one I colored. Keep in mind that I did not draw this picture; full credit for that goes to Usada (whoever that may be).

Not Everyone

My guild over on Spirestone is currently running a contest to come up with the best reasons why there is no E in Heros (the full name being Heros of the Horde). Although I came up with this slogan last year, I didn’t make anything out of it until now. Here’s what happens when I get bored.


Up to My Ears in Placeholders

Progress on our very first project is moving along and I just got done create a bunch of placeholder art to help our programmers start to get things into place. There is still more to create, but hopefully over the next couple of days, I’ll have all of that done and they’ll be able to get a “working” version of the game in order while we get started on the actual art for the game.

Turbo Pixels Logo and Banner Concepts

A while back, I came up with a concept for a logo for Turbo Pixels, but I never got around to making it. Well, I spent a little time to throw something together. While it was something to show off, it was lackluster to say the least, but it did spur a great idea for a banner that I immediately began working on.

After a couple of iterations to the banner, it was looking quite good if I do say so myself. Have a look!

TPS Banner 4

The logo itself still leaves something to be desired but I did upgrade it slight after creating the banner you see above.

TPS Logo 2

Lites Flashing Before Your Eyes

Last night’s shows went off without a hitch, including the new Dark Side of the Moon. The turnout was low as to be expected since we haven’t had shows on Fridays in years and our advertising is almost non-existent, but the few that were here really enjoyed the new show. Here’s to hoping this coming Friday will be even better and that we will have the full resolution show ready before then.

Eclipsed by the Moon

After yet another lengthy copying and renaming process, I got the video onto all of the graphic processors and modified a script accordingly to play them. The show plays all the way through and looks reasonably good despite the lower resolution.

I had to do a little tweaking here and there to get everything where it should be (or at least where I think it should be), that is to say, synced up with the audio, have effects in the right place, and so on. So even though we don’t have the full resolution version working yet, we do have something that will keep you happy and entertained.

That said, I believe we may have sniffed out the cause of the problem and are currently working on encoding a bit of test footage to see if the seams turn out proper. Our fingers are crossed.

The Lunatic is in My Head

Well, all is not well in the kingdom. Something isn’t right and each of the splices of video do not align properly. We’re currently trying to figure out why, but in the meantime, I’m going to be working on an acceptable solution to tide us over until it’s fixed. Using channel 0, I can get a working version of the show, although its resolution will be significantly least than the full video.