Advertisements, the Love-Hate Relationship

Advertisements. Many people have a love-hate relationship with them. They’re sometimes very obtrusive, ruining a visitor’s experience. While some people absolutely hate the sight of ads, I’ve usually been a bit more lenient of them. As long as they don’t jump out at you and cover up half of the screen, I’m good.

Up to this point, I’ve wanted to avoid having advertisements on the site. I wanted the site to be very clean looking; very appealing to look at, but now I’ve decided to finally place Google Ads on my site in an attempt to try and generate some revenue. Why, you ask? Well, until now, I’ve supported the website complete out of pocket, but in this day and age, that simply isn’t going to work anymore. I need the website to be able to support itself. Sure, it’ll be slow at first, but if I reach my goal, it will go a long way to helping me out.

Google only allows three ads to be on one page at a time. This is completely understandable, as some people would abuse the ads and have one every 2 inches. I played around with the site a little bit, trying to decide where I wanted to put them. I wanted them to be as non-obtrusive as possible while still maintaining their visibility and accessibility to maximize the user experience and possible profit at the same time.

As you can probably see, I decided that one at the very top of the page keeps it out of the way of the content, but still very much noticeable by a visitor. Next, the side bar was an obvious choice to mix an advertisement. And finally, one at the bottom of every page’s content (or after the 2nd post on the blog). In addition to the three ads they allow, they also let you have three link units that will take the visitor to ad pages. I have added one of these just before the footer.

With luck, the advertisements will allow me to operate the site without too much headache.