Neverwinter Nights

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OGRE’S KNUCKLE – Single Player Adventure
Level Design: April-May 2008
Area: The Crypt

“A shadowy mage has been staying in the Ogre’s Knuckle graveyard. The local magistrate has asked you to get him to leave. The mage agrees to leave if you do some things for him. After doing his tasks, you discover that he plans to set a clan of vampires free from the crypt. Now you must go inside the crypt and destroy this clan before it’s too late. While exploring the crypt, you discover a necromancer that is raising an army of undead. You need to put a stop to his evil plans.”

This is an area I created for a group module in one of my classes at ITT. It is a four floor side-quest dungeon designed for a level 4-5 character. The files you can download below are some of the plans for the level along with the mod file itself. Enjoy!

You can download the area module here: [ DOWNLOAD ]

You can view the level design document here: [ PDF ]