Unreal Tournament 2004


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Area 51: Data Storage
Assault (10-14 players)
August 2008

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Get the Design Document [ HERE ]

After the rediscovery of the famed secret military base named Area 51 on Earth, every major corporation in the galaxy began to send agents to its location to see what they could find and use for themselves. It seemed that even after all the years, there was still an organization that wished the secrets hidden there to stay lost forever. This scenario is a recreation of the ensuing struggle between the agents of the corporations and the mercenaries sent to destroy those secrets.”

This level requires files from Community Bonus Pack 2


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Deathmatch (4-10 players)
August 2009

[ DOWNLOAD ] this level now!

Get the Design Document [ HERE ]

“Back on Planet Earth, a certain secret military base, dubbed Area 51, was thought to be lost forever. Recently, an excavation team uncovered what was thought to be just another warehouse filled with ancient nonsense… that is until they saw the large 51s paints on its walls. Inspection of the crates stored there proved that the technology that once existed has long since been surpassed.”

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Deathmatch (6-12 Players)
September 2007

[ DOWNLOAD ] this level now!

Download the original design document [ HERE ] (It changed a bit)

“This long forgotten temple was once used to summon beings of great power into the physical realm. Centuries have passed since then and the temple no longer holds such power. Recently uncovered, it has become a battleground worthy of the Tournament.”

Capture the Flag

Skyhook Spires
Capture the Flag (10-14 players)


Download the Design Document [ HERE ]

“The Skyhook Spires are suspended high above the surface of a planet in violent upheaval. Used to monitor the planet below, these observatories are held steady above the molten lava by large dirigibles and thrusters situated below each of the platforms.”


Although Ironforge Revisited was canceled a long time ago, I’m still putting the level design document up here so it can be seen with the other levels’ documents. You can download it HERE.