Tag Archives: Animation

Bringing in the New Year

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great time over the past two weeks  with their family and friends during Christmas and New Years.

I know it’s been awhile since I last posted and I do have an excuse. Well, two excuses actually. First off, during the Christmas holiday (e.g. the last two weeks), I had no access to the Internet. That’s right. Zero. Nada. It was an unfortunate side effect of not having an Internet connection at home and work being closed… it could not be helped. The two weeks before that, on the other hand, are a completely different story that can be summed up with one word: Neglect. I simply failed to post anything at all. Shame on me, I know. But enough about that; let’s get on to the real stuff.

As of right now, I have a number of projects on my hands, because as you very well may know, I am good about starting things and not finishing them before moving on to something else. (It’s ADD I tell you! ADD! …well, maybe.)

The first and foremost is Skyhook Spires, a UT2k4 Capture the Flag level I had started working on a couple of months ago. I had made decent progress as you can see by the few posts awhile back, but have otherwise not progressed any further. The level for the most part is already blocked in (just need to add a few things) and then I could get started on actually adding textures, static meshes, etc.

The next project was begun a couple of weeks ago, a new musical flash animation featuring Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) by Journey (the ‘classic and much better’ Steve Perry version of it). Only a little work has been done on it so far. So little in fact that only the logos at the beginning have been completed. This is something I want to finish, but for now, has been shelved to make room for a much more pressing and important project.

The newest undertaking requires a little bit a learning. Well, a lot of learning actually. It’s time I actually put my education (if you can call it that) to use (since it’s apparent that no one wants to hire me right now). I’m working on learning ActionScript. Yes, you heard me. ActionScript. So far, I’ve tried to avoid any form of programming (though I have done it before to a limited extent), but now it’s time to add to my repertoire.

Last year, me and a group of friends got together (I’m sure you remember Turbo Pixels) and attempted to create a game. Needless to say, nothing really came of it other than some game ideas and the realization that we needed to learn just a bit more. Now, this is where my next project comes in: using one of those game ideas to make a flash game. This is why I need to learn ActionScript. The best way to learn is to focus it into a working project, so it this case, the flash game.

While I won’t give away an major details about the game, I will tell you this: It’s an platform-shooter similar to Metroid or Megaman. It’s not going out of the box, but it will have some unique features. Besides, being in the box is better for learning anyways; you can always climb out later.

But enough of my rambling… Here’s to the new year! May it be more productive than the last!

Tetris Attacks is now Available!

Inspired by the musical laser shows that I play at the Cybersphere, I couldn’t help but create an animation to go along with the fantastic remix of the original Tetris tune by 2PM. This is my first animation and has certainly been a learning experience for me. I hope you enjoy it!

You can view it on Newgrounds here: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/509478

Tetris Attacks: 75 Percent Complete

This animation has been a long time coming. It was started months ago and after a minor amount of work, was set to the side as other projects and/or passtimes reared their ugly heads. With my recent zeal with completing my unfinished projects, I am proud to announce that Tetris Attacks is getting close to being complete. It’s about 3/4 of the way done as I type this and I will continue working on it so that you may vote 5… cause, you know you want to do it.

Animation or Level Design? Can you say ADHD?

Okay, so as know may very well know, I started the tetris animation, mostly out of boredom. Granted it’s not a traditional frame by frame animation (for the most part), meaning mostly tweens and what-not, using relatively simple graphics (points, lines, circles, etc.), I just felt the need to create something that people can watch. I had been thinking about animating something for Newgrounds for years, I just never bothered to do it… but now here I am… assuming I can keep with it.

My point is… I sort of have ADHD when it comes to lengthy tasks. I tend to want to jump around a lot sometimes… but then again, on other occasions, I get to work on something and don’t stop until it’s done. Yeah, I’m a bit weird, but that’s okay.  Being a paradox is cruise control for cool.

Okay, so you’re probably wondering why I brought this up… think about it. Does Area 51: Warehouse ring a bell? Gotcha! Yeah, I still haven’t finished it, and I actually stopped working on it for a little while. It wasn’t all that far from being done either. ADHD, I know. lol

Anyways, so now I have multiple tasks in progress and really need to devote myself fully to one or the other until it is finished. Otherwise, I’ll probably end up with a bunch of unfinished projects laying around and I definately don’t want that. On top of these, I have other things going for me that I have to put effort into… Decisions, decisions…

Tetris Animation

I don’t know if you’ve heard the tetris theme as performed by 2PM (if that’s even a group, or just a person… but anyways.), but I’ve decided to make animation for it using Flash. I’ve had the idea of doing some sort of animation for it jumbling around in my head for some time, on various mediums I might add, but I never really got around to it. Well, long story short, I started working on it today.  And as reckless as I am, I’ve dived right into it without any sort of pre-planning. I know, that’s bad, but it does tend to work for me. lol

I don’t expect I’ll be done with it anytime soon, but if I can manage to keep myself working on it, it should turn out pretty freakin’ awesome, and would be my first ever submission to Newgrounds, where I hope I would be showered with 5s (cause you know… it’s all about the 5s).

Playing with Flash

So I started fumbling around in flash today, tossing around the idea of doing some sort of animation. Newgrounds’ holiday flash contest is currently going on and the winners get some cash, but I’m entering too late in the game in order to make a good looking animation with my sorely lacking experience. I’d need more time. I still might whip something up. Gotta get started somewhere. Time to hit the ground running I suppose.

Flash Animation

I’ve been watching flash videos on Newgrounds lately, something that I haven’t done in years. Now I once again have a feeling that makes me want to attempt to do a little flash animation myself. Now, I had this feeling before, then it eventually went away, so I can’t be certain the same will happen again. If I did seriously consider putting my time into something like this, I’d probably want to get a Wacom tablet, because I simply cannot draw with a mouse. *shiver*

My dilemma is the price of the tablets (not to mention the price of Flash itself). If I was to buy one and then turn around and never do any animation, well then I’d have a really nice tablet that I wasted money on… Perhaps I should continue to just watch them, not try to make them. We’ll see…