Tag Archives: cybersphere

HTML/CSS Demo Added

A while back (while I was still employed by The Renaissance Center) I started to dip my hands into web development. I already had a basic understanding of HTML and CSS from years past, but had never really applied it to anything. Well, as a form of practice, I created a sample webpage for the Cybersphere, which you can view here. While it’s mostly a demonstration of my knowledge of HTML and CSS (however mediocre that may be), it does include a slight use of PHP (very slight).

I’ve actually been slacking the studying arena since I was laid off and that needs to change. It is the perfect time for me to be focusing on it after all. So it’s time to get back to it for me and to create a few more examples as practice (and for portfolio padding).

Laid Off

My friends, it is a sad day indeed. The future of the Cybersphere Digital Theater at The Renaissance Center in Dickson, TN is now uncertain. Why, you ask? Well, after my few years of watching over the Cybersphere, I have been let go. Since I was the only employee to be its caretaker, I’m not certain what goal they have in mind for it or if they even have a goal for it. They might go be shutting down the Cybersphere for a while… or for good.

I want to apologize to everyone out there: from teachers to parents, that loved to bring their kids down to the The Renaissance Center to see shows at Cybersphere. It’s a great loss to the community if this is how it ends for Dickson’s only planetarium. As for me, life goes on. There’s more employment opportunities out there for me and it’s time to go get one of them.

Audio Problem Update

After a few back and forth emails with Sky-Skan, speaking with Ron,  and trying a few different things, we think we have the audio up and running for little while longer. We sort of figured it was a power issue all along and it seems like it may just be the age of the power supply causing a dip in the voltage.

The story as explained  by Mike from Sky-Skan:

The Clove/Nutmeg processor monitors the 5V power supply voltage. If it falls below 4.8 V, the processor shuts itself down and blinks the READY light.  Well, the power supply manufacturer originally sets the supplies at about 4.95V just to be on the safe side. The processor’s power watchdog also tends to be on the high side, like 4.85V trip point. After 10,000 or 20,000 hours of operation, the supply tends to fade a few percent, and suddenly we’re on the brink of tripping the 4.8 V watchdog.

We were advised to tweak the voltage on the power supply just a tad bit, up to about 5.1 volts. Ron came in this past weekend and did just that. He tweaked it up to 5.14 volts, though before he did that, tests were showing the voltage at exactly 5v, which may mean that the power supply itself could just be going bad, which might explain the randomness of the issue.

In any case, we are sort of in standby mode to see if the issue reoccurs or not. Harsh anticipation, I know, but you’ll live. Should the power supply turn out to be bad, it’s not like it’ll cost all that much.

Cybersphere’s Audio Problem

It’s always fun to be getting ready to do a show and discover that you have no audio. For the past two Saturdays, this has been the case. Two weeks ago, I noticed that the audio clove was intermittently going out. I was also having intermittent noise coming through the speakers, usually in the rear left speaker, though this has happened many time in the past and the exact cause is unknown. Even though the audio went out, I usually able to get it to come back on. Still I needed to figure out what was failing.

Well, last week I noticed that the input cards were still showing that they were getting signal, so as a test, I patched the audio from the input cards around the output card and directly into the EQ and thus speakers. “Ahoy!” said the sound coming from the speakers (no, not really). This told me that the problem was more than likely with the clove’s output card. Now, the clove has two slots for output cards, but we only have one in there, because we don’t need both of them in there at the same time.

Long story short, I removed the clove from the rack, removed the output card from it, and replaced it with the second output card. I slid the clove back into the rack and plugged all the audio cables back into it. It was alive! So I was able to successfully do the rest of my shows this past Saturday. During the week, I checked the audio every now and then and it was good. Mission accomplished! … or so I thought.

I come back in today to do the public shows… lo and behold what do I find? The audio is out again! NOOOoooOOOooOOoOoooo!

I’m back to step one… or zero… that’s probably more accurate. I really don’t see the other output card that I inserted having some sort of a problem, since I hadn’t even removed it from the package since Sky-Skan sent it back to us the last time. No, I think that the problem lies elsewhere, I just need to find it.

The LED on the front of the clove that would normally show ID09 is just a jumbled mess of symbols. I still wonder if the host processor card is having some sort of an issue. I thought this the last time we had problems and it turned out to be the power cord having a loose connection inside the wire itself. Surely the replacement cord we just got not too long ago is bad. I checked the wire this time and everything looked fine. No, it HAS to be something else this time. Toggling the power a few time got it to work for a whole two seconds.

Not wanting to disappoint paying customers, I had to move on to Plan B for the time being. What’s Plan B, you ask? A jury rigged solution! Grabbing an extra Mackie board from the performance hall, I pulled all the audio cables out of the rack and plugged them into it. Working quickly to adjust the volume levels to something that wouldn’t blow anyone’s ears out, I was able to do the 2 PM show, albeit a little late, but that’s fine. Better late than never, right?

I’m going to have to speak with Ron and Sky-Skan about the situation. While we will eventually get the problem fixed, both Ron and I would love to take another route. That is, upgrading this aging system to something more recent. That, of course, costs money and that is something that they are reluctant to spend if they can avoid it. We shall see.

Cybersphere: Playing in September

There is still one more Saturday in August (the 25th) for you to see Lamps of Atlantis (2&7 pm), Laser Spirit (3&8 pm), and Laser Hypnotica (4&9 pm), so come on out to see them before they go away for awhile. Here’s what will be playing next month!

Showing during September 2012 on Saturdays in the Cybersphere Digital Theater
– Note: The Cybersphere will be closed on September 29th –

Secret of the Cardboard Rocket

2:00 & 7:00 PM | Rated G | Tickets: $5 | Full-Dome Animation

One of the most popular space journeys for children and their families has been “The Secret of the Cardboard Rocket.” Thanks to new tools and talent at the Clark Planetarium, you’ll see and feel the highest levels of detail and animation of any planetarium in the world. In the most dynamic fashion possible, the young star travelers are back to show you what could only be dreamed of before. From the boiling surface of the sun… to the icy rings of Saturn… children of all ages will be mesmerized by the incredible scenery in motion that only the Clark Planetarium can offer.

Laser Pop

3:00 & 8:00 PM | Rated G | Tickets: $6 | Musical Laser Show

1) Pop (N’Sync)
2) Get This Party Started (Pink)
3) Beatles Medley (The Beatles)
4) I’m A Believer (Smashmouth)
5) Desert Rose (Sting)
6) Beach Boys Medley (The Beach Boys)
7) Cosmic Thing (B-52s)
8) Digital Get Down (N’Sync)
9) Kryptonite (3 Doors Down)

Laser X

4:00 & 9:00 PM | Rated PG | Tickets: $6 | Musical Laser Show

1) Lost (Stabbing Westward)
2) Bulls on Parade (Rage Against the Machine)
3) Zero (Smashing Pumpkins)
4) Park Avenue (Girls Against Boys)
5) Monkey Wrench (Foo Fighters)
6) Would (Alice in Chains)
7) Push It (Garbage)
8) Sunshower (Chris Cornell)
9) Guilty (Gravity Kills)
10) Shame (Stabbing Westward)
11) Block Rockin’ Beats (Chemical Brothers)
12) Du Hast (Rammstein)
13) More Human Than Human (White Zombie)

Lamps of Atlantis

Our search for the lost continent of Atlantis takes us on a journey through the astronomical knowledge of the ancient Greeks. How did the constellations get their names? What different patterns did ancient cultures see in the sky? Was Atlantis a real place? Did it really sink into the sea? We will uncover clues to help us solve this age-old mystery. Narrated by Terry O’Quinn.

The Lamps of Atlantis premiered in the Cybersphere Digital Theater on the first Saturday in August. If you haven’t had a chance to see it yet, don’t worry, because it’s still showing until the end of the month on Saturdays at 2 pm and 7 pm. So gather up some of your friends and family and come on down to the Cybersphere at the Renaissance Center.

You can see our full schedule for public shows until the end of September HERE! You can also schedule groups of 25 or more to see a show of your choosing anytime Tuesday through Friday.