Tag Archives: Fable 2

Fable 2: It’s Alive!

Hey, what do you know? I got the replacement Fable 2 in the mail yesterday and spent all afternoon playing it. That’s right! It actually worked! I was a little bit worried after reading stuff from all of those naysayers online, but I played it for like 6-7 hours straight and not a single thing went wrong. No freezing, no quests bugging out, no HUD elements getting stuck on the screen. I have to knock on wood, because something might happen now that I mentioned it.

Anyways, so far, Fable 2 is turning out to be much better than the original game. At first, the movement was a little ackward (almost like skating than running), but after I got used to it, it was okay. Combat seems to be a lot smoother than before and I really like that the spells don’t require will/mana/whateveritwascalled from the first game. Actually makes using them worthwhile… in Fable 1, in order to conserve will, I only ever used Force Push to get groups away from me so I could fight one on one.

The expression system seems a little better now and you tend to draw quite a crowd by showing off. The only problem is, if you make them like you enough, they tend to follow you around, which can be a little annoying after  awhile. Makes you want to kill them just to get some peace.

The dog, I think, is a nice addition to the game. Makes adventuring a little less boring when you have a companion with you. The dog does a little bit in combat, mainly if you knock as opponent down, though he might do more later in the game. He can sniff out treasure chests and buried objects and alert you, showing you the way to them, which I think is a nice addition. The funniest thing I’ve seen so far with the dog, is his ability to interact with your expressions. The only one I have so far makes him cover his nose if I fart.

Anyways, enough rambling out of me, cause this ain’t a review. Hopefully, the game will continue to perform properly. I suppose it’s just the luck of the draw with getting a good disc.

Fable 2: Dead Man Walking

After doing a little reading online, I quickly discovered that Fable 2 just has a ton of problems. Freezing, like I had, but not just when I did, but all over, and a ton of other bugs, including game breaking glitches (aka. prevent you from ever finishing the game). It’s kind of sad when I think about it, because the original Fable has so many problems as well, including freezing up randomly.

Apparently, there’s already been a patch to fix a few of the bugs, though it sounded like some people were still being affected. But, I don’t know how this will help me, because I don’t have broadband at home and thus no XBox Live with which to download a patch. It seems to me that Fable 2 probably should have been delayed before it was released in order to better catch most, if not all, of the major problems.

So anyways, here I am waiting for a replacement copy of Fable 2 from GameFly, which may or may not result in the same problem I had before. Bah. I’ll just move on to the next game on my list, Fallout 3, if it does.

Why Must GameFly Be So Slow?

So I sent off the last game I rented from them on the 4th of this month… and I didn’t receive the next on my list until yesterday, the 14th. 10 days? Gee, could they get any slower? If this keeps up, I’ll probably end up cancelling them and go back to renting games at Blockbuster or something…

On another completely different note, the game I just received was Fable 2. I had been hoping that it was better than the first one, but unfortunately, I cannot find out just yet. Apparently, the disc they sent me is corrupted or something. It doesn’t appear to be damaged, but when I load up the game and select “new game,” it freezes up while loading. It does this every time. Now I have to report it to GameFly and have them ship me out a replacement copy… Yay, just what I wanted… more waiting.