Tag Archives: javascript

ImpactJS Demo

I have recently begun tinkering with the ImpactJS framework. As a learning experiment, I am currently working on a recreation of sorts of the platformer demo (dubbed Control Alt Shift, for no reason whatsoever) I did in Flash quite some time ago. This is to get myself familiar with the ImpactJS framework as well as get myself more familiar with javascript. Once I get the functionality available in the flash version fully working in this one, I’ll post it for your viewing pleasure. In the meantime, here’s a screenshot for you to enjoy!

ImpactJS Demo
ImpactJS Demo

A portfolio of sorts

When I originally decided to revive my blog on wordpress.com, that’s all it was going to be… a blog about whatever that I felt like writing about. Now, I think I’m going to turn it back into what it was before, back when it was hosted on my own domain. To that end, I’ve already added my resume back and will be going through my archives to pull out some things I’ve done in the past to create a portfolio of sorts.

I know one of the things I want to show off is my experience with Adobe Flash and what little bit of experience I have with Actionscript. Another thing I want to show off is what I’ve done with HTML and CSS so far, especially given that web development is what I’m working towards. I haven’t created anything that implements Javascript yet, but I will get to that eventually.

Better than I thought

So I’ve been fairly quick to classify myself as a beginner when it comes to web development, but it seems I know a little bit more than I give myself credit for knowing. After meeting with two recruiters with Robert Half Technology, they set me up to take two assessment tests (multiple choice) on HTML and Javascript.

Well, I only scored 80% (45 questions) on HTML, which is not as good as I thought I would do. I seem to have trouble remembering a few of the tags. On the other hand, I scored 75% (40 questions) on the Javascript test, which is better than I thought I’d do. I guess I really have learned a few things after completing the Javascript Fundamentals track on Codecademy.

I’m going to keep going through the exercises on Codecademy. Next up is mostly about HTML and CSS, but applies a little bit of Javascript to it. Codecademy has been extremely helpful so far, so I recommend it highly to anyone that is just starting out like me, even if you haven’t ever coded anything before, unlike me.


Trying to learn anything new can be a daunting task, especially when you don’t know where to start. Luckily, there’s quite a few ways (specifically, free) to learn out there. Google is your friend when trying to find these learning resources, but even if Google doesn’t directly lead you to something useful, you might find, for example, an article on a blog that points you in the right direction.

Talking specifically about me at this point; I am trying to get into web design / development. Having exhausted “funding” for schooling on a previous venture, I am looking for free ways to educate myself. To start, I already have some experience with HTML and CSS, so I just need to expand upon this by diving into Javascript and PHP or ASP (planning to focus on PHP). Coding is not a foreign concept to me as I already have a little experience with BASIC, C#, and Actionscript. So the syntax is not voodoo magic to me, since code syntax doesn’t change THAT much from one language to another. It’s more of a matter of learning the various built-in functions / methods of the languages and checking out libraries written in said language.

But for someone starting out, it can be tough. Sure, you could read tutorials like those at http://www.w3school.com to get started, but if you are a “hands on” learner like myself, you might find what the guys over at http://www.codecademy.com have put together much more helpful. At least, in regards to HTML, CSS, and Javascript. It looks like they are currently adding Python to the list. Codecademy’s exercises “walk you through” a particular subject; telling you how to go about doing something and then letting you type it out yourself before proceeding to the next exercise.

I’m actually going through the exercises on Codecademy right now to reinforce any previous knowledge of mine. I believe in having a firm foundation before building skywards, otherwise you might find yourself without a leg to stand on.