Tag Archives: resume

A portfolio of sorts

When I originally decided to revive my blog on wordpress.com, that’s all it was going to be… a blog about whatever that I felt like writing about. Now, I think I’m going to turn it back into what it was before, back when it was hosted on my own domain. To that end, I’ve already added my resume back and will be going through my archives to pull out some things I’ve done in the past to create a portfolio of sorts.

I know one of the things I want to show off is my experience with Adobe Flash and what little bit of experience I have with Actionscript. Another thing I want to show off is what I’ve done with HTML and CSS so far, especially given that web development is what I’m working towards. I haven’t created anything that implements Javascript yet, but I will get to that eventually.

Updated Resume, A51:DS v0.9

I have updated a few things on my site, most important of which is my resume, along with accompanying PDF and Word versions of it. If you have been eager to try out Area 51: Data Storage, you can now download a test version (v0.9) of it on the Unreal Tournament 2004 page. Keep in mind that it is not yet complete and there are bugs and balance issues that need to be addressed. If you find any bugs, etc. that I haven’t already mentioned, please feel free to inform me. Enjoy!