Tag Archives: shut up and take my money

Cube World Landscape Screenshots

Wollay just released a new batch of screenshots showing off some of the improvements he’s done to the landscape generator and the rendering engine over the past few days. I must say, the game looks absolutely amazing (not to say that it didn’t already). The terrain generated is so much more interesting than the terrain has ever been in Minecraft and the use of bright colors makes the world way more vibrant. You can also see the world map in a few of the pictures. Check them out below!

Starbound Building Demo

Every time I see a new update posted on www.playstarbound.com, I think I cry a little inside. Why, you ask? Simple: I can not yet play the game and that makes me sad. I’m just itching to throw money at this game, because as much as I loved Terraria, Starbound is looking to be WAY better, even at this point in development. Check out the post below, and more specifically, check out the building demo video. DO EET! DO EET NAOUGH!

So we’ve been a little quiet lately because we’ve been working away on the game like mad. It’s coming along really nicely, we’re working on a whole bunch of stuff like quests, unique npc behaviours and generated towns.

The building mechanics are becoming close to complete, so we thought we’d show off some of the basic systems (there will be lots of tools to find!).

Each player is equipped with a gun that can levitate, place and remove blocks and items. It’s capable of placing single blocks or blocks in groups of 4. So you can very quickly fill the space you need to fill whilst having the option to tweak smaller details. Every object that looks as if you can stand on it or place another object on top of it functions as you’d expect. Removing blocks with the block tool is quite slow (it’s not intended to replace mining tools), but it has the benefit of long range.

Any block can be placed in the foreground or the background, left click places/removes blocks from the foreground whilst right click places/removes blocks from the background. Allowing you to quickly alternate between the two.

We’ve tried to create a very visual means of building so the experience plays out beautifully in multiplayer, where you can see exactly what your friends are doing and build in a cooperative way.

There’s also some very basic usage of the wiring system in the video, watch out for that. Needless to say the wiring system is capable of much, much more.

Also, here’s a new community wallpaper by Skech for the month of October:

Cube World City Screenshots

Wollay recently made another post on his blog showing off various building architecture that you can encounter during your adventures. I just keep getting more and more excited about this game! Check out the full post below:

Just a short status update about the new name: I already have a new favorite but I’d like to wait a little, maybe there’s a better one.

Currently I’m working on the following things:

The Cube World is divided into different lands (of course randomly generated ones). Each land has a level and all creatures living in that land have the same level. The land level increases with distance from the starting position.

Each land has a capital city and is inhabited by NPCs. They have quests, sell items or just talk about random stuff. 🙂 Each city has a center place where all shops and other useful buildings are located.

In contrast to before, buildings are now randomly generated: they now have varying rooms, sizes, walls, roofs etc. Furthermore, I’m working on multiple themes. Here are the ones that I have finished so far:

European style framework houses:

Medieval stone houses:

North American style wood houses:

Log houses:

Next I want to add themes for deserts and jungles.

New Cube World Video

This just in… Wollay has released a new gameplay video for Cube World that shows off some of the new features in the game, which includes something that excites me: hang-gliders. Of course, there’s been other things added, but that was the most exciting thing new thing from the video. Check out the video and the list of new things added below!

New features:

– Hang gliders: You will probably get these with level 10 or higher. They’re quite fun to use, especially when you fall down. 🙂 You get stunned and fall down when you fly against a wall.
– Sprinting (consumes stamina)
– Some attacks can stun enemies.
– New monsters and items
– Dungeons
– Rare zones: Just like items, zones can have different rarities. Monsters are stronger here and drop better loot.
– Dungeons: In the video you see a castle dungeon, featuring female Orcs! 😛
– We’re also adding new zones like lava lands