Tag Archives: Slow

Where is it now? DayZ Edition

I first heard about DayZ over three years ago when it was still just a mod of ARMA 2 from Bohemia Interactive. Created by Dean Hall who, after the popularity of the mod skyrocketed causing an increase in sells of ARMA 2, joined Bohemia Interactive as the project lead of a standalone version of the mod. Supposedly, work on the mod version has been continued by the community, though I’m not sure how much the two versions differ at this point.

xrlawfwrt0613tkm4ugykpgbvnfj0mI’ll be perfectly honest with you. I know very little about DayZ at this point. I have not been following the development of the standalone version. I was interested in the game back when I first heard about it, but didn’t want to buy ARMA 2 just to play a mod, so I waited for the standalone to become available. After seeing the price of $30 (it’s now at $35) slapped on it, I was immediately turned off on the idea. There just wasn’t enough to the game to justify the price in my eyes, especially after having just been burned on other certain alpha releases like Cube World. Continue reading Where is it now? DayZ Edition

Where is it now? Cobalt Edition

Cobalt from Oxeye Game Studio (www.playcobalt.com) is another perfect example of a game that has had a really long and drawn out development. So long, in fact, that I had completely forgotten about the game until looking back over my old blog posts. I first heard about Cobalt back in August 2011 when a publishing deal was struck with Mojang (yes, the same Mojang formally owned by Notch, but now owned by Microsoft). The game looked like it would be quite fun, so I decided to throw some money at it once the alpha went public in December of that year.

cityI don’t recall playing it that long at the time, as there wasn’t much to do. If memory serves me correctly, that was local multiplayer deathmatch and a survival horde mode. I mainly purchased the game because of the promise of a campaign/story mode. I believe I last played the game in May 2012, on alpha version 105, where I tried out the map editor that had been added in a previous version. I hadn’t really been following development closely, and I last thought about Cobalt in October 2012, where I saw it was on alpha v115, after which it faded into time and space. Continue reading Where is it now? Cobalt Edition

Why Must GameFly Be So Slow?

So I sent off the last game I rented from them on the 4th of this month… and I didn’t receive the next on my list until yesterday, the 14th. 10 days? Gee, could they get any slower? If this keeps up, I’ll probably end up cancelling them and go back to renting games at Blockbuster or something…

On another completely different note, the game I just received was Fable 2. I had been hoping that it was better than the first one, but unfortunately, I cannot find out just yet. Apparently, the disc they sent me is corrupted or something. It doesn’t appear to be damaged, but when I load up the game and select “new game,” it freezes up while loading. It does this every time. Now I have to report it to GameFly and have them ship me out a replacement copy… Yay, just what I wanted… more waiting.

About Time It Got Here

So I ordered a replacement lamp for our DS+65 Christie projectors way back on the 19th on November… and it just now got here… Sure, Thanksgiving was in the way, but that shouldn’t have hurt the delivery THAT much. Good thing it got here, cause I was going to turn them into a smoking hole today. Still… 20 days is unacceptable. I recommend against using advancedlamps.com because of this… and the retard that typed up the shipping label managed to not only misspell my name, but The Renaissance Center’s name also. Least they got the address right…

Now that I’m done venting, I suppose I can’t completely blame advancedlamps.com, because the shipment came directly from Christie. Now to go see if the lamp works properly.