Tag Archives: Wordpress

Oh my, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?

It’s been 2 years, 9 months, and 19 days since I last posted something on my blog. I’ve spent the past few days painstakingly recovering the contents of my old self-hosted WordPress website, omegastormproductions.com, that closed its doors in 2011 and transferring the contents of my last wordpress.com blog over to here. Sure, transferring the contents of the wordpress.com blog was easy; just export, then import. The old self-hosted WordPress website; however, was a bit more involved, as I only had an old database backup courtesy of a backup plugin I used that emailed me a backup on a regular basis.

wordpressWordPress can import a variety of formats from various platforms, and uses a XML file for itself, but I had a SQL database, which would have been fine for setting up another self-hosted website and restoring the old database, except now that we’re on wordpress.com, that’s out the window. To put it basically, I recreated each and every post and page from scratch by going through the database tables and picking out the published posts (ignoring past revisions). Everything I needed was there: Title, Content, Post Date, etc. It was just time consuming. Continue reading Oh my, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?

Change to iNove Complete

After a bunch of tinkering around, I feel confident to say that the change over to the new theme is now complete. The theme is iNove and it caught my attention. It is simple, yet refined and professional looking, which is something that I desire out of a theme. Plus, the shift from a dark background to a light background is refreshing.

I’m going to continue working to add stuff back to the site that was lost during the transition such as the music player and the image gallery, so they will be available again soon. Let me know what you think of the new look.

To Do List

The site redesign came along rather well. Not only does it look better than before, it has many more features available. Now that it is out of the way, I need to get around to updating the ol’ resume and even writing an About page to make myself sound better than I am… cause what else would it be for.  Once I get those little chestnuts out of the way, I really need to get back to working on the documentation for The Legend of Pharthia.

Note to self: Stop being lazy

Major Theme Change

The old theme was a rather simple one. Though it accomplished its mission, I have longed for something a little more cool, something that can wow people when they visit. I discovered the Option theme by Justin Tadlock today and decided it was a good choice.

I’m currently in the process of changing the site, so things may look a little weird for awhile. Sure, I could put the site into maintenace mode or something like that, but I’m lazy I guess.