Tag Archives: Work

Oh my, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?

It’s been 2 years, 9 months, and 19 days since I last posted something on my blog. I’ve spent the past few days painstakingly recovering the contents of my old self-hosted WordPress website, omegastormproductions.com, that closed its doors in 2011 and transferring the contents of my last wordpress.com blog over to here. Sure, transferring the contents of the wordpress.com blog was easy; just export, then import. The old self-hosted WordPress website; however, was a bit more involved, as I only had an old database backup courtesy of a backup plugin I used that emailed me a backup on a regular basis.

wordpressWordPress can import a variety of formats from various platforms, and uses a XML file for itself, but I had a SQL database, which would have been fine for setting up another self-hosted website and restoring the old database, except now that we’re on wordpress.com, that’s out the window. To put it basically, I recreated each and every post and page from scratch by going through the database tables and picking out the published posts (ignoring past revisions). Everything I needed was there: Title, Content, Post Date, etc. It was just time consuming. Continue reading Oh my, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?

Back in the Sphere

After a rather boring “vacation,” (if you can even call it that) I’m back in Sphere. Being at home too much tends to get a little old after awhile. Not that my boredom will completely go away since there’s not much to do at work either, but at least it gets me out of the house. Onward to… battle?!

“You’re the Director, if you want to call it that.”

So yeah, it has happened. The guy I used to work under, who had been here for around 8 years, has been let go. I’m essentially the Director of the Cybersphere now, although I don’t officially have the title… cause that would mean they have to pay me more… and that certainly isn’t going to happen, regardless of what they say. I’m going to have to do my best to fill his shoes, cause they are pretty big.

So anyways, if you call here now, it’ll just be little ol’ me answering the phone. Better get used to it.

Procrastination. Yup, That’s Me.

I should really get back to actually working on the documentation for The Legend of Pharthia… I’ve just had a lot on my plate recently and now I’m going full-time at work. Of course, I’ve always been a little bit of a procrastinator… okay, okay. A big procrastinator. If I don’t have to do it, it’s hard to make time to actually do it.

Grrr… I’m going to have to cut into “me” time to get this done.

Going Full-time

I’ve finally been offered a full-time position here at the Renaissance Center, but it certainly doesn’t look good for the guy I work with… I think they may be thinking about putting me into his shoes for less pay… that sounds just like them… unfortunately. I’d hate to see him go, but furthermore, I think it’s a bad idea to toss out a guy that’s been here awhile in favor of the FNG (relatively speaking) even if it does save money. There’s still so much more for me to learn from him.

The Hunt Continues

The search for a full time job as a level designer continues as I rampage forward towards my career. Targeted today were level design (or world design… or whatever they want to call it) positions with Planet Moon Studio in San Francisco (CA), Airtight Games in Seattle (WA), GearBox Software in Dallas (TX), NCSoft in Mountain View (CA), and Insomniac Games for their soon to open North Carolina studio. With luck, maybe I’ll actually hear back from one of them.